Hello! I am Pedro Rodrigues, the managing partner of the company “Trilhos da Natureza”. I am an unconditional admirer of São Miguel Island’s beauty and the Azores landscape in general. Lover of these islands, I enjoy all kinds of activities whether on land or in the sea.
The company was founded in 1999 and emerged right after some 4×4 tours where many recondite places were explored and after finding out that São Miguel has unique and amazing natural beauty scenery, most of them completely unknown by the majority of the local people. And this way an innovating idea was born: 4×4 vehicles were purchased so we could show these places – some more touristic, others less, such as dirt paths with their surrounding natural beauty which are not less interesting nor worthy to be visited – to the people that visit us. When I began this activity there were no other companies with this kind of service to offer. This way the first company of Touristic Animation arose in the Azores with the patent given by the Azorean Government.
We wanted to invest in the innovation and during the last years we have diversified our services. We have enlarged the company to services such as hiking trails and biking tours.
Hello everyone,
Well you can call me Hugo that’s my mother’s choice at my birth, I was so little and beautiful, hold on I still am 😀
I´m a tour guide for the company Azores trails of nature since 2013 I´m getting old, and of course certified as an official nature guide by the government and I am very proud of it. Born in São Miguel Island that is one of the nine Island and dispite having already visited some countries in this world my island if my Home. Living surrouned by an ocean on an island called green island, a little paradise in the middle of all this water.
I really like what I do, so I´ve been doing it for a few years. I love being out whit visitors everyday, showing them the incredible nature of this island and having incredible experiences and of course without ever forgetting our excellent food. A fresh grilled fish or a steak in the Azores fashion, it is so yummy.
So you already know come and visit us, say “oi” and let´s go on this adventure together.
Hello! My name is João Rego and I am a tour guide for Azores Trails of Nature since 2017! I started working in this company when I finished my degree in tourism in the University of the Azores. I speak several languages such as Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, and German
I’ve always loved since I can remember everything that had to do with languages, geography and history , and tourism appeared as break-even point between these different fields which end up complementing each other. It was a dream come true when I was invited to work for this company! I find amazing when I interact with other people that come from different countries and sharing our cultures and our personal experiences is just outstanding and working in the tourism industry allows me to do that! There is not a better job in this world than being a tour guide! Being able to be outside the entire day and showing our breathtaking views is priceless!
I want to thank you to all the clients that chose our services and for giving unforgettable moments and I hope to see more clients in the Azores to explore with us our amazing experiences!
Hello, I’m Filipe, I’m from the island of São Miguel, Azores. I am a Certified Guide of the Azores Geopark and a local Skipper. I’ve been working at Trilhos da Natureza since I finished my degree in Tourism in 2017.
To be a tour guide is as good as living a dream for me. I enjoy my job because, i get to know different people from distinct places around the world. I look forward to being able to show you the island, to tell you the secrets of its beauty. I was born here and I am absolutely honored to tell the history of its beautiful nature and culture. Personally, my favorite thing to do in the island is the biking trips, I get to see wonderful views while being able to enjoy my favorite sport.
We are excited to welcome you so we can embrace any adventure together.
Hello! My name is Olívia and I recently joined the Trilhos da Natureza team.
I have been working in the tourism sector since 2014 after completing my professional course and the main reason for being here today is because I have always enjoyed meeting new people from different countries and cultures, not forgetting our beautiful breathtaking landscapes.
One of the things I love to do is ride a bike or walk through Nature, it’s like a refuge, a place for reflection and calm. After the busy days of the city, it is always good to return to my little paradise, where the green surrounds us and the birds singing lulls us.
Ever since I was little, I’ve always been an active person and I liked to watch how everything works in life and like I always say “get my game on”.
I am here to help you with your reservations and to ensure that you return home with the desire to come back and go on a tour with us again.